Oh’ does the passing time know the pain of waiting?
The wilderness of thoughts in desperations asked.
Lovers never
In their
Oh’ will time every shed tears as the fallen lover screams?
In the tragedy of the mockery of lifetimes of passions,
By one moment of misunderstandings and disagreements,
All they lose is time from a life much shorter than they know.
The spreading wind took hands of time and blew the dust,
To show the world how love in hearts were destroyed,
To show how love in the material world were shredded,
Ah’ how evil gnawed through two loving hearts.
Deep in his heart images of her were drawn,
No evil of the material world can destroy, no time can erase,
Imageless soul, Oh’ wanders in a world of soulless humanity,
Shadows behind and beyond in celebrations danced.
Loneliness again celebrated through shadows with no figures,
Mind shivered upon the lines of sanity and insanity,
Visions lost their meanings into a dust filled world,
Only the howling of the wind pounding winds heard.
Sun may set again in the west and rise in the east,
Time may rewrite history of pain in another way,
Love from a can never be erased by pain or worldly fun,
As I dedicated life in loving you knowingly and unknowingly.
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