Searched and searched again, ah’ once upon a time,
For a reason to change my heart from a path,
Away from crowd and dust, deep into the woods I went,
Where a path out or a path in I searched and lost.
When morning came back mind away from thoughts I took,
Day took me south and back home in cheer I came,
As on the way at the coffee shop the omen I sought I saw,
A path to her heart and a path to a world of dreams.
The world of us stopped turning but our minds churned,
Then away from each other to nothing we both turned,
The path to dreams became the path to our hearts,
Where in each dream for my unbroken heart, I searched.
Oh’ my heart waited in an omen who became a dream,
Every path outwards one after the other dreams closed,
Mind that churned, ah’ started turning life but the world,
Oh’ the world stopped and life at the same point spinned.
Spirit and flesh found different ways in life and love,
A hundred ways opened to end the waiting and to spread,
Life into happiness and blend happiness with love,
Nothing I know and nothing I want to know to end,
Loving you, my dear, my dearest.
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