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“I wish, I wish with a silver spoon in mouth I were born”,
The good old saying in desperation many times I said,
The drama of life, Oh’ So fantastically played,
By me and the world with no sign of any silver spoon ever.
Schooling days, ah’ no sign about the spoon we have learned,
Wild days of youth, screamed out loud and many spoons I broke,
The mid-age let loose all the tangled web of life and brought,
Into eyes the bright light of love, no man can give, I guarantee.
As life doesn’t live me anymore, ah’ deep into trash thrown,
All about love I have heard, all the love words in youth I weaved,
Then I wished and I wished again about that good old sliver spoon,
And the unfriendly life, Oh’ lame lion cub, far behind me walked.
As alone my thoughts wander somewhere in the depths I know,
A dreamer I have to feed, a dreamer I have to cloth and raise,
Or that lame lion cub will fall and no more I can ever walk,
And all that dreamer needs is a silver spoon in my mouth.
When in the morning colds of early spring I walk,
Oh’ I miss you dear beside me who every morning wakes,
To raise a dreamer, whose dreams are filled with you,
For you to bring to me that lame lion cub in your hands,
Who at least once will roar to the world my love for you.
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