The Dead Queen In Hands.

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In black and white in patience they stood,
Loyal guards of the knights, bishops, queen and king.
Power changes with position in the squares,
As the pawns stood, bare naked to take the hits.

Minds strategized each and every move,
With pride and honor of each position they fought,
Pawns, bishops, and knights fell but the queen stood,
And fought for the king with all her might.

A step aside, ahead or back he moved,
All in the watchful eyes of the queen’s protection,
Minds boggled to make moves ahead,
The fallen, the exchanged ah’ warmed the blood.

The rooks held the corners and, they moved,
Sacrificing for the knights, bishops and queen.
Pawns a step at a time moved and with every move,
Gained more power when at the other side they reached.

When all is lost one side declared checkmate,
As no more can that queen protect her loved king.
The lost king in rejection and dejection retreated,
Facing the pry of a faceless monster of disgrace.

Oh’ I looked at the chessboard again and again,
And thought again and again about the wrongs,
Nothing wrong I found in any move I made.
All I found were stranger than anything I know.

Every time into a relationship I moved,
Precise planning and wonderful things I do,
In a chess game the moment the queen dies,
The king’s trouble is not much moves he can make.

As for me, the last time thought of relationship I began,
Life’s fast-moving fate delivered a dead queen in my hands.

© RIAZAHAMMED.COM – All Rights Reserved – 2019.

Photo by nikko macaspac on Unsplash

Know Her, Seasons.

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Sincerity, Oh’ if you were a human you will have,
The face of my darling, the smile of my dearest,
For upon the face of her I always wish in prayers,
To see the prettiest smiles for which tirelessly I work.

Sanctity, Oh’ if you were a human you will adore,
The heart and soul of a woman, who weaves my dreams,
Every day with a new thread in her own heart she weaves,
And in the beat of her heart I listen and in my mind’s eyes see.

Commitment, Oh’ if you were a human you will be me,
For through my eyes a soul the world will see,
A soul that took her image, a soul that in love for her fills,
Every sense that touches my senses, the knowledge of her.

Days spread out weeks and weeks to months of romance,
Love, they say, “Is an ocean in which one will be lost”,
Lost I am not but, Oh’ touch of your lovely heart I gained,
A heart I know a little more, day and night in my romance.

Ah’ the air is warm; light is bright to carry my love to you.

© RIAZAHAMMED.COM – All Rights Reserved – 2019.

Photo by pablo soriano on Unsplash

Dedication Of A Life.

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Oh’ does the passing time know the pain of waiting?
The wilderness of thoughts in desperations asked.
Lovers never loses their love as forever embedded,
In their genes a mark of their true love for their love felt.

Oh’ will time every shed tears as the fallen lover screams?
In the tragedy of the mockery of lifetimes of passions,
By one moment of misunderstandings and disagreements,
All they lose is time from a life much shorter than they know.

The spreading wind took hands of time and blew the dust,
To show the world how love in hearts were destroyed,
To show how love in the material world were shredded,
Ah’ how evil gnawed through two loving hearts.

Deep in his heart images of her were drawn,
No evil of the material world can destroy, no time can erase,
Imageless soul, Oh’ wanders in a world of soulless humanity,
Shadows behind and beyond in celebrations danced.

Loneliness again celebrated through shadows with no figures,
Mind shivered upon the lines of sanity and insanity,
Visions lost their meanings into a dust filled world,
Only the howling of the wind pounding winds heard.

Sun may set again in the west and rise in the east,
Time may rewrite history of pain in another way,
Love from a can never be erased by pain or worldly fun,
As I dedicated life in loving you knowingly and unknowingly.

© RIAZAHAMMED.COM – All Rights Reserved – 2019.

Photo by Ana Francisconi on Unsplash

Unforgettable Inspiration.

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The blue jay as if in a flow of music from a flute, flew,
The winds in counterpoint played the leaves like violins,
Her wings fluttering through the falling dew rhymed,
With beating hearts of lovers, holding breathe in prayers.

The sun from his hiding spot behind clouds sneaked,
As if soft fingers upon a harp glided swiftly,
Ah’ music through nature up and down danced,
And romancing smiles upon hopeful lovers sprouted.

Stillness and silence have left the valley of the lovers,
All that fell in the fall and froze in the winter, forgotten,
The cheering sprouts up to heave looked as if in thankfulness,
For the spreading prosperity, of land, air, and the singing river.

The inspiration to live longer and longer, happier and happier,
Ah’ shook the whole body into forgetfulness of reality,
The unreal looked and sounded like the real but then we know,
Oh’ all that we imagined as unreal ah’ in real unfolded.

Unreal to real, happier to unhappier, ah’ life can seesaw,
Clouds can conceal, yet light from sun still will reach,
Nature can unfold the magnificence of a mighty creation,
All will make man a forgetful creature of flesh and blood.

Yet, inspiration from unreal and real, happier and unhappier came,
Not to forget the one true inspiration to construct happier thoughts,
A smile and bright eyes, a heart and fantastic soul, and beauty that fills,
Every bit of nature a man through all his senses feels, your face.

© RIAZAHAMMED.COM – All Rights Reserved. – 2019.

Photo by Alice Alinari on Unsplash

A New Lesson For You.

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The lonely tree’s branches like an Indian dancer’s pose stood,
As the volcanic rocks towered behind like a witness of ire,
Of a gone by past of violent actions and reactions when making,
Mother Nature from gas, dust, and water from all corners of universe.

The fury gone, mother calmed, children were born, trees grown,
Floods came, water receded, maps were drawn, by her own hands,
Wiser and wiser humanity became, pole to pole directions we wrote,
And directionless became races, religions, nations, and empires.

No expert I am to say what is good and what is evil,
What is beautiful, what is not beautiful as in all I know,
There is good, there is beautiful, there is evil, and unpleasant,
Ah’ we failed to learn, understand, and accept the balance.

The twists and turns of the dynamics of life, ah’ how unpredictable,
Mind blown schematics like the patterns in a kaleidoscope turns,
A flick of fingers, everything changes, all through a narrow tunnel seen.
What wonders of world we have seen? How many more we ignored?

Earth in its mighty magnificence, ah’ silently tilts and turns,
None knows the perfection of the grand scheme of anything,
Oceans grew darker and darker in depths; brighter soul glows,
The deeper and deeper I search for the meanings of my feelings.

No silence shut my ears; no words dilute my thoughts, only a chant,
Blended into the beat of my heart, in no verses I can repeat,
No images, no similes, no colors, ah’ an endless ocean of love,
Lighting every moment of yours as a new lesson of life you learn.

© RIAZAHAMMED.COM – All Rights Reserved – 2019.

Photo by Vitaly Nikolenko on Unsplash

In A Coffin

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The sky over the cityscape floated,
Mind felt looking upside down at the world,
And over the landless lake moved,
Clouds, to heal the wrath and crimes,
Upon the passed by lands seen.

The pained, and painning, cruelty, and kindness,
The dreamers, and dreams, the fulfilled, and failed,
Laughters, and tears, smirks, and smiles,
Oh’ emotions of humans outshined even the thunderbolt,
The cry of the shattered dream unheard, deliberately.

The clouds scattered into the darkness of night who spread,
His wings across plains, and plateaus, and mountains, and seas,
Life for many a drama of upon a floating stage filled,
With unanswered questions, and unpredictable actions.
The scream of the soul pierced, ah’ beyond human hearing.

Dawns came, noons flourished, lives lived, but for the unloved,
Blooms bloomed, dusks came, nights widespread, but still failed,
To feel the heart, to feel the soul, and for eternity pain unfold,
What better curse an unloved can have than being unloved?
Fail their dreams, siege them and make them feel, in a coffin.

Lifeless dreams, dreamless lives, compassionate hearts lay wreaths,
Define to heavens compassion, after broken hearts fall and buried,
Define to the world, what charity pays dues, for shattered dreams,
Oh’ dear, the dearest no more love can be sought without your face,
For I know none can ever come anywhere close to the way you love.

© RIAZAHAMMED.COM – All Rights Reserved – 2019.

Photo by Jonathan Borba on Unsplash

Footprints No Time Can Erase.

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Innocence in the early age that comes,
From all corners of the world to you,
As majority of the Earth with water covered,
Surround you and even in that walking in solitude,
Through the wooded paths of life and you turn,
To look back at paths passed and footprints left.

The wonders seen in a world in all chaos still beautiful,
The wonders heard in all the screams that still echoes,
The wonders learned, all tools of life to be lived,
Everything one element in a flight of fantasy in a journey,
No details ever mattered as through life in a hurry flown,
Into that seaside, where nothing ever ends but a new beginning.

Innocence all through the wonders of life danced,
When moment of happiness, sadness, and anger clutched,
Innocence teaching to laugh at all as silly little things,
Teaching to see little things big and heavenly send,
Teaching to open heart into bigger than the known big,
Of the universe and receive life’s blessing one element at a time.

A path that leads to an inevitable dusk,
Where in the same way one came to the wonders of world,
Solitude awaits for the cheerful, the broken hearted, and the mute,
Solitude one feels as every sunset one watches, silence inside grows,
Silence that brings meanings unknown to the forefront of mind,
Where pain and passion evolves into the gain and compassion.

Every step passed a stop on a rough road in the long journey,
The rough pebbles pained the legs, yet, the paths must be passed,
Even upon pebbles, a footprint we all must leave without leaving none,
The inevitable end one must not care about, for, beyond it, all unknown,
When walking sideways I begin, in the sight of footprints I remember
The love for you I carried in my heart left footprints no time can erase.

© RIAZAHAMMED.COM – All Rights Reserved – 2019.

Photo by Matt Antonioli on Unsplash

Kiss Of The Thin Air

Blog Post About This Poem – Please Watch This Before Reading This Poem.

The fantastic morning wept when she left,
As the lord of the day melted every bit of dew,
Ah’ it looked like the tears of the morning fairies,
Yet, the world rejoiced in the warmth of spring.

The branches in the warmth to sprout stretched,
As the trees rooted deeper to find more hold,
The cunning cold still tried hard to keep his grip,
Hid beneath skins of trees away from the shinning sun.

Sun like a fiery ball with his uncompromising pride shined,
In the warmth woke thin air winds who took the touch of sun,
And danced upon the branches beneath where the lazy cold hid,
Then from plains came a pretty bird unseen in beauty by mankind.

The poet stood unaware to the unfolding magic of nature,
The bird watched again and again and listened to his verses,
The she fluttered her wings in quietness not to disturb his peace,
But the thin air took her wing scents and texture unto him.

Upon his reciting lips the wind touched like a kiss,
And his eyes he opened, ah’ the wonderful kiss he felt,
Nothing he saw, nothing he heard, just the touch of her from far,
Heart smiled, soul danced, ah’ beauty of love forever he felt.

© RIAZAHAMMED.COM – All Rights Reserved – 2019.

Photo by Atikh Bana on Unsplash

The Power Of Verses.

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The night wrapped the world around me and suppressed,
Every bit of light and brought eyes sleepy chaos.
Then to the coming dream I asked,
“Do you know the pain of a broken heart?”

Silence surrendered me to the darkest part of the dark,
Where even the phantoms of the world dare to embark
Then I felt a movement in the passions that surrounded,
And to my sleep and my conscience a tweeting voice spoke.

“Have you ever felt the beginning of the winds,
That twirls and explode the atmosphere and becomes a storm?
Have you ever known the pain of a mother,
Who lost her child before the child known the world?

Have you ever felt the first touch of the first leaf of fall?
Have you ever woke from a dream in which you lost,
A fight with an unknown enemy whom you can never know?
All that together brings, a grain of pain what a broken heart feels”.

With very question of the tweeting voice I saw,
The reality of the answer that in my eyes came,
And stayed until a drop of tear filled my eyes,
Except the pain of a mother that I will never know.

Into darkness I woke, hearing the sounds of heaters,
I know no dream hold me down oppressed,
Ah’ through the day into the next night I slept.
For a dream to speak eight lines of verses of present reality.

Conscience questioned my life as a poet and a lover,
And to him I said, “Feel the peace that comes to us,
When with a broken heart every night to sleep I fall,
But with the power of love in verses every time I wake,

The power of verses found only in my love for her.”.

© RIAZAHAMMED.COM – All Rights Reserved – 2019.

Photo by Ana Francisconi on Unsplash

Flashes Of Happiness.

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When eyes are moist, a silhouette of you I still see.
The sprouted anguish at a fate well written,
Yet, misunderstood by my mind as a romantic feelings,
Championed every emotion, but still blurred vision.

The foggy weather through the air spread,
Wind rested upon pine trees as if in fear,
Oh’ is it from my anguish at fate or in quarrel,
With my fate, everyone misunderstood as my mischief?

My actions, my fate and, a world at odds with my love,
“Time will never slow down” they say, ah’ my time paused,
All I did for the world and you at me to frown,
Where words beaded in verses saying “I love you”.

The changed times and minds all around us scatter,
The face of life reddened and faces of us in love smiled,
Fools we will be if our eyes we keep off from each other,
Let us be the champions of each other in life and love.

The world one day around us may perish into dust,
We will perish to dust with each other’s love some day,
But ah’ my love for you I know will not perish in time,
Nor will be stolen by anyone here and hereafter.

© RIAZAHAMMED.COM – All Rights Reserved – 2019.

Photo by alexandra marcu on Unsplash

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