Blog Post About This Poem – Read This Before Reading The Poem.
First it was a fascination about romance that unfurled,
Like the radiant hair of a beautiful girl in eastern wind,
The mountain ranges waved across the landscape showing,
Making naughty wind wave as through the day he danced.
That fascination from the depths of soul bigger grown,
Like an old banyan tree spreading branches and roots,
Beneath the stars, unwithering in the changing seasons,
Every sense adding to a loving heart’s palpitation.
Ah’ those roots in silence deeper and deeper crept,
And into the world through all branches grown, shown,
The care, the compassion, the passion, and beyond all, love,
Love you sprouted in my heart my dear, my dearest.
The world into yet another spring rolls and it will move,
The sky will show new born stars, showering blessings,
New born Angels in penance for the purity of minds will pray,
As our minds closer and closer to a dream fulfillment reach.
Open your senses for the arrival of a new season unseen,
By this world and the worlds unknown to mankind,
The season that purifies two lives as the symbol of love,
When we both hand in hand vows to be eternal lovers.
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