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The fog from above the mountains rise,
And into many ghastly shapes evolved,
Ah’ as above the stubborn mounts they rise,
Touched my face like the first kiss of a lover.
From far those greenery on the mountains I see,
Ah’ they are trees more older than you and I,
The illusion of our eyes give our mind a view,
All those far, smaller and easier for us to ignore.
The day we met, Oh’ in past years I count,
The years passed, ah’ like those fog they rise,
And through their ghastly dance and kiss they hide,
The stubborn mind, wonderful mind so preciously loved.
Senses gathered all they can and to mind brought,
To make sense ways an unloved man can survive,
Oh’ no beat of a lovers heart ever will be lost,
Without remembering the loving moments of past.
Never can a lover fall victim to the healer time,
The wound of the unloved who loved in purity remain,
Unhealed and will lose the timeline of past, present, and future.
Pain is just a by product that will howl a man to solitude.
When once more falling into these unforgettable thoughts,
Ah’ the only feeling that relieves is a memory of your smile.
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