I seek no refuge away from the blistering reality,
That unfurled into a dream and died unfulfilled,
I seek no refuge in anyone’s kindness with love,
Covered in layers of world’s material brutality.
That reality speaks stories of melancholy and bitter ends,
The reality so well weaved, painted, and well versed,
Oh’ I seek no refuge in none of those in which lost,
The sanctity of the individual in me and love of yours.
I live through every moment with the grace of a man,
Who through the fulfillment of dreams lived and lived,
Through the broken pieces of dreams and broken heart,
Battles of survival, loneliness, and fantasy filled romance.
Every word I speak unleashes a reality, every word I write,
Relives an ancient fantasy, every bitterness I smile away,
Ah’ takes a path to one better lover than me, and I know,
That lover pushes the love she feels away to me from you.
I seek no refuge in any other reality than the love I feel,
As I am the one who makes reality out of an aching heart
And cover them with sweet smiles and whispers of verses,
Verses that sprouts more love in you than I can ever imagine.
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