The whipped up wind of the western zone,
Cried all over the land try to dry after winter cold,
The leaves of grass stood up and took a shower,
To clean up and wait for pollen to come and kiss.
The world, the life, how I live and how you live,
Ah’ success is a magical phenomenon for our love,
As through spiraling whirlpools our passions drown,
The weeping eyes blur and see no more compassion.
Did life became an unspeakable hoax for you and I,
Oh’ let us live each other than the defined lies,
The world in meanest mockery at you and I throw,
Drown not dear in fabricated mysteries of coerced moralities.
Oh’ all that is said, all that is written, in it all,
Nothing removed, nothing amended,
Ah’ just a new perspective added,
In the core of it all, the most beautiful poetry written.
That poetry described well, my love for you.
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