Oh’ how audacious I thought I am,
When to you in love I said “I like you”,
Thousands of verses filled dreams sprouted,
With you my dearest, my darling as the fulfillment.
But through playful days and prayer filled nights,
Through aches and slips, little by little I learned,
The humility my love for you evolved into,
Than the audacity and arrogance of wacky romance.
In those humility, every bit of myself I learned,
And my conscience took lessons to be a simple man,
And through every moment of life disciplined,
To be a better lover, a better blessing, a better man.
Oh’ now as I bow in respect, in love, into meditating prayers,
Ah’ I wish no ill will come to you who reads my heart,
May the blessings of this world shower upon you,
And may the unwritten times beyond be a blessing for you.
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