The pendulum of life swayed and swayed,
A rhythm predestined for us to walk, run and even cry,
The pendulum cannot be stopped by any act,
For connected to it are the wheels many connect to.
The love, guidance and teachings of parents begins,
To move that pendulum to move those wheels,
Then the schools that teach us to move the pendulum,
To move the wheels in our own ways and reasons.
Oh’ one will wish if life where a stand alone clock,
Aha’ no it is not for one clock connects to another,
In networks none figured out in philosophy and science,
And unknowingly pendulums and wheels of others we move.
Then there are clocks against the rhythms move,
Ah’ they fall apart as the wheels erratically revolves,
Uncontrolled they all break and break others too.
Oh’ those are forgotten mechanisms none can understand.
The pendulum of my clock stopped a while back,
But the wheels moved on and on unknown to me,
Then one day when your smile brightened my life,
I know the wheels of my love only turns with your moves.
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