I sat through the day that brightened every time,
I thought about you, Oh’ those little moments of past,
I sat through the night that shown me twinkling stars,
Every time about you to dream I tried.
I walked throughout the night a somnambulistic act,
Ah’ every image in my heart of you into memory brought,
Bit by bit I repainted each image in a canvas of mind,
Oh’ without those images,
When painting every image, Oh’ you lived in me,
And every time you lived in me, liven my memories,
A new line of verse that memory to my life gave,
Making my life a living poem, bit by bit everyday I wrote.
Waking up one day, painting once more all the image I know,
I sat to write another quartet of verse from my living life,
Ah’ the images came one by one, then one after the other,
The movement in rhythm gave a reason for a romantic dream.
I weaved the dream with your smiles, with your charm,
I made you walk, I made you run ah’ I made you smile more,
Then a thought, about that reality, ah’ that brutal reality…
Erased every bit of that dream and left me stale images.
I sat, I slept, I walked and I ran, I prostrated, I dreamed again,
Every time the images I laid ah’ I know there is no background,
I can paint to weave yet another dream that will complete a poem,
But still, I dreamed,
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