Twentieth Day Of June – 2019.
This Poem Is For You Little Boss*.
Upon a well laid foundation she slowly painted,
Beautiful make up in low orange shade to welcome,
The day emerging from the bottom of the East,
To spread into the west upon the chariots of the Sun.
Before he wore the fiery crown with all his love Sun kissed,
Red lipsticked lips of Dawn and the verse of the day he wrote,
Ah’ the beauty of Dawn on every day in a new way freshened,
Like the soul of my “Little Boss” inside my soul every Dawn.
The day around me up and down and all around dragged,
Lazy times cloaked me hard with unreasonable sadness,
Ah’ what wonderful dreams are fulfilled this day I wondered,
As when I woke, I didn’t even remember, if any dream I saw.
When Sun took his crown off and leaving dark blanket on day,
But as he took his heavenly dip in the west once more smile,
The princess of evening in the form of Dusk stealing a kiss,
From his reddened lips, ah’ when will I kiss you “Little Boss”?.
My question upon the backyard maple I left to rest,
As there is only one blessing I can take to bed,
The love God blessed me with the very first moment I felt,
When she walked to me with a smile that perfected my poetry.
© RIAZAHAMMED.COM – All Rights Reserved – 2019.
*Dedication. – Poems are written with specific people in mind at times and are dedicated to them. When this poem is read and someone at some point enjoys the poem. That enjoyment always leads to a little blessing and the person the poem is dedicated to will receive that blessing.