Twenty Third Day Of June – 2019.
When sleep left her lusty clutches from around me,
Ah’ I left a dream about my empty heart,
Then memories of yester years woke up inside mind,
And filled me with love I never felt Oh’, dear, dearest.
Gathering the needed I ran and then drove to meet,
Friends from another town to see a ball game at the park,
Rain soaked us and we got into the ballpark to see,
Brewers showing their might on the mound and at plate.
Back home sweet home, sleepy chairs and sweet tea,
Evening drowned in the slowness of Sunday times,
With memories performing ballet in my soul,
That solo act was just the smile of yours, Oh’, Dearest.
Night wave his scepter to impose his rule over time,
Dark magicians somewhere, somehow cast their spells,
And for the protection of my soul and her soul I prayed,
Oh’, dearest darling pray for me too a poor old lover.
When bidding farewell to my conscious state I pray more,
To unite our love for the happy cheers of all in the world.
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