Eighth Day Of July – 2019.
Frown not, Oh’, fading night into the lightening skies,
But cry not night, the sky and earth love you,
And you are not like an unfortunate, lonely, lover,
Who can only love but can never feel the love of his love.
Oh’ he did not try to steal, nor to betray his love he try,
As he reaches the noon like every day, he does night,
He will think about you for no love from day he gets,
As time and space, compete to betray his loving heart.
And the night took words from the heart of a poet and left,
For his sleep somewhere none knows but may find peace,
The evening left no mercy upon the poet who paced,
Left and right east and west like a caged Lion.
The night returned hiding all anomalies from nature,
Those things that reminds him about the love of his life,
But night knows not that deep in his soul embedded,
Are images of her who only chose to hurt than love.
Still every memory of her is the only solace he can ever find.
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