Fifteenth Day Of July – 2019.
Why would you sleep Oh’ night,
When such beautiful dreams you show,
In the depths of sleep where none hurts,
In talk or actions without discrimination.
Oh’ Little Boss, you very well in those dreams acted,
Sometime as an onlooker, most times as a companion,
Love between us flourish in that world unconditionally,
And unchallenged, as dreams within dreams romance wrote.
The morning like an aging warrior all around spread,
Slow but steady, Ah’, what insanity the world made,
Humanity indeed made calamities a victim of their act,
Still divine patience out paced every evil lurked through hearts.
Many wonderful thoughts about new age romance nailed,
Me in sitting and thought about thoughts and newly weaved dreams,
Thousands of images fabricated, places unseen, yet filled hearts,
Yeah, dreams about love indeed, greatest construction of humanity.
Baseball park, snubbing lovely ladies with thoughts,
About Little Boss as none I give a second look,
Love indeed makes a man morale and decent,
Oh’, no comfort I seek other than the love Little Boss.
When decided to write through the late night I thought,
The meaning of the future cannot be known by me,
Even if I can, the surprise of a life once in life, I want,
I am indeed a great lover, and a decent man who deserves her.
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