Story Of The Day.

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Twenty First Day Of July – 2019.

Oh’, I tried my best to keep my eyes open,
But tired mind and brain fell to the dark of sleep,
When into the light I woke I sat up and said,
“Bless her Allah, bless her, like you bless me.”.

Noon and evening hasted through their routines,
I sat like a stone watching T.V smiling occasionally,
Nature changed colors faster than I thought,
Or did time abandoned me and ran for reasons unknown?

Early night came and the stalker knocked on my website,
I wanted to know if about my safety I should be concerned,
So once more I asked Little Boss if it is her who visits,
No answer but what she did to hurt told it is her.

No more concerns, Oh’, I will die of her hand if she chooses to,
And that brought to my mind a new inspiration to write more,
And I will write, write and write again taking lifetimes,
For her eyes, for the world to know, that I love her.

© RIAZAHAMMED.COM – All Rights Reserved – 2019.

Photo by Guilian Fremaux on Unsplash

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