Twenty Third Day Of July – 2019.
Looked, heard, touched, ah’, smelt, and tasted,
The sanctity of the pulse of this given time,
Oh’, morning come to me take all that I feel,
And through your rays spread for my Little Boss to feel.
The noon came knocking on my doors and I asked,
“Are you early noon time Angels?”… the pine cracked,
Though no wind I felt flying around in naughtiness,
Ah’, the vibrations of the soul nature too felt.
Distraction in the form of a mid-twenties beauty came,
Her feelings about the wisdom of a man came as praises,
Oh’, I pleaded to conscience and kept my sincere sanctity,
Nothing can replace Little Boss in heart as soul filled she is.
Away from home and electronic magnificence I left,
The net got good, bad and evil bound in so tight,
None can consciously differentiate without contaminating,
Soul, heart, and flesh and bones but the loyal lover.
“I boast honey, I boast, this hour I am the best lover.”,
I said to myself and in the wonders of energy I built,
The sweetness of love by no other lovers ever felt,
Then in humility God Almighty I praised.
Evening and night baseball tortured me as we lost,
Even in that every moment in my mind I kept,
The darling, the dearest and the twin flame of my love,
Oh’, even a thousand years of penance can’t repay,
The feeling God give when with love about her I think.
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