Twenty Fifth Day Of July – 2019.
The morning came up with a fuzzy and bloated sun,
When I was arguing with my own conscience about value,
Of my love and value of life without love and I lost,
Then the sun flared up erasing the bleeding horizon.
The day gave me a broken feeling even before noon,
But I didn’t know time in tears weaved the broken parts,
And part of that weaving was in my heart, Oh’, though I miss,
My Little Boss, I strung words of a story of our life together.
Evening fell face down into the lake and drowned the sun,
The night challenged what time of the day did but I lived,
Another dreamy day that found a star in history to remember,
Recorder of memory,
Oh’, late-night, fate did a stand-up comedy in my conscience,
Those jokes drowned me beyond recognition into sadness,
And sarcasm filled into my thoughts and time to me pleaded,
To erase dark dreams for a fairy tale to begin to grow.
Surreal life danced in tantrums and to ease mind I looked,
Oh’ past is a dark demon who left me paralyzed in love,
The present gives fear to the one girl I love with all my heart,
Oh’, when into future I looked all I
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