Little by little vapors from land and sea gathered,
Currents from under the sea soared with cold,
The air warmed from above in the summer sun,
The wonder of the universe revolved to see another storm.
East to west, north to south, wind like a stalker moved,
Gathered all he can and packed a punch to hit land,
The more he gathered, more prettier the storm became,
And in the middle formed the calm, the eye of the storm.
Creations of God in prayers ran, shelters filled, houses blown,
With twisting arms the storm hit hard, trees fell, seas swelled,
Miracles happened, lives saved, heroes birthed, still, many died,
Then came the eye of the storm, calm peaceful, pleasant.
Prayers answered, arms fell and the storm withered,
Houses, roads and bridges rebuilt and people celebrated,
The unity of humanity, peace and pleasantness returned,
As if the eye of the storm was left for the love of all.
Oh’, my love, the sweetness of my heart, I plead to read,
Even in an image when at your eyes I look my senses unite,
Every emotions from scattered ruins rebuild my love and fill,
With peace and pleasantness like that eye of the storm.
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