Oh’, dusk, read to me the story so incredibly makes,
You beautiful and into every heart, such happiness spreads,
And eats away every sickness from every living mind,
And makes the old young and the young more loving.
Then dusk to me came as the silhouette of a young girl and told,
“Long time back, before time and space united,
God created me as a beautiful girl with all the beauty,
Time and space in their existence shall ever see.”.
I looked at the shape of the young girl and said,
“Imaginations is what you give the world as a blessing,
And to the world, God gave you as a wonderful blessing,
But tell me, dear, how did you become such a color-filled delight?”.
“Ah’, seeing my beauty the Sun and the Moon started a fight,
To earn my love and make me their own and the fight raged,
The moon faded the sun unleashed his wrath and the fight went on,
Many days Sun took away his chariots from moon so nights be dark.
God saw these fight and then intervened and asked me,
“Who do you love more, the Sun or the Moon?”, I replied,
“Both are same to me and I am torn between the love of both,
Oh’, God you are the all-knowing, the mighty, so please help me.”.
God said “Love can be blind and deaf and you add beauty… then deadly,
But dear you said the keyword, Torn, your existence as a human is over,
But your beauty will be visible to the world until the end of times.”.
Silence grew stronger between everything; as for words I searched.
The fading silhouette stretched her hands one last time and said,
“Oh’, poet I hear the loving heartbeat of yours for her,
She sees me too as the twilight and enjoys every bit of me,
But, O’, poet her love and your love in two hearts with the same beat.”.
Darkness hesitated to spread across the horizons as she faded,
The sweating me knows that she took away every bit of my sickness,
Or, is the heartbeat of my darling became the healing,
But gladness spread in my heart as I know my heart beats for her.
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