How long in your thoughts will you vilify?
Me as the monster you dreaded in childhood,
How long you will kill the love that sprouts,
From your childhood, you learned to kindle?
Oh’, sweetness in your saliva came from nowhere,
When essence of my heart through senses you absorbed,
And at the tip of your tongue, you feel the taste of my love,
Love you wanted to taste all forged a wonderful soul.
And that wonderful soul came in a package you never expected,
Oh’, dear, isn’t it the beauty of life? Isn’t it the thrill of life?
That taste of love, not mine alone as it was from a life long journey,
Thousands of faces, hearts, and life all blended in only for you.
Oh’, wilderness of dreams let the wayfarer be fed,
With charms and glory unheard in real life and make it unreal,
For love, his life blended be buried in you for him to dream,
Forever and forever even after time and space lose their meanings.
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