Oh’, dear, how did I become so unrecognizable in love?
Should I have lied to you that all I felt were unreal?
Or just deceived you with lies and fake things?
Or should I have denied to my conscience that I am in love?
Sunrise, early morning, noon, afternoon sunset and night,
Oh’, every moment of the day in one way or other you found,
To reach and learn the pulse of my heart, the song of my soul,
And the glory of the truth, my love for you, and your love for me.
The material world walked, talked, worked, ate and slept,
Oh’, time and space stood by astonished by your passion,
But why not recognize my face upon the love you felt,
Than walk away to return next day for another feel of love?
That world may say “Love is a prison binding you to unreal”.
Oh’, can you say the same when in every action and event you feel?
Me being part, though far away I am unconnected to that reality,
Your mind even in sleep feels the presence of mine, my love.
Oh’, dear, my dearest, love is not the prison nor the quicksand,
But the more you deny love, the deeper into your love you bury,
And drown into pain no medicine or science can heal,
Leave the denial, Oh’, acknowledge the truth in glory of love.
Love is the path, love is the destination, love hold answers,
You and I seek and in love we will find the glory of truth,
No need for us to find love as deep inside our soul filled,
Is the love for each other fate wrote in the glory of truth.
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