Life, Oh’, Life, a magnificent ocean we cross,
Truth, false, ah’, balance the critical matter,
Yet, Oh’, failed I to balance my sailing in winds,
But by prayers of peers or good thoughts, stayed afloat.
Reality, Oh’, what a fantastic set of events,
I floated through the wild waters to reach reality,
Oh’, only to know I failed to reach the reality I sought,
Late I reached and no doors to love I found.
Fantasy, Ah’, what an awesome alternative,
Where I chose the places, people, and made rules,
Oh’, I sailed across calm seas and low tides to reach,
Rocky walls and barren islands were no doors to love I found.
Not to sail anymore I decided but to float around,
Storms brewed not far away that can drown me,
I smiled and then laughed and then I screamed,
Screams roaring waves and winds cannot drown.
“In life the ocean for me and mankind of this time well laid,
Drown I may without being loved by the love all my time I sought,
But live I will with the love I loved that failed to open the same door,
The unopened door in many ways I knocked but failed to open in time”.
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