When walked out into the unending streets,
Thinking about one face, one figure, one soul,
A dead leaf upon head fell and through face scrolled,
“What unforgiven sin remains?” I raised my head and hands.
From the depth of mind, the suppressed conscience woke,
And through verses of riddles and babbles he spoke,
Oh’, the focus now hijacked by unknown future times,
To find meanings for ups and downs of present times.
The smiling faces of the mid-west crowd welcomed,
With blank minds and no malicious intentions,
Oh’, they all want to find an extension of thoughts,
Happily, to forget times of hardships and tears.
Mind left all that and went back to plowing,
Through times of past when a poet wrote,
Verses that lost their meanings as realities changed,
And through them came times of unknown meanings.
Those moments of unknown meanings that split,
Time and space when even Angels and Jinns stood stunned,
When love felt suppressed to serve malicious material life,
Those loved drowned moments takes meanings unknown.
Oh’, future times never at these times look,
When verses that left the mind of poets lost,
Meanings and then those times took meanings
For which no poets can find meanings to write.
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