Eyelids shielded the tears from falling,
When thought about living alone,
Hands held tight the biceps so no shivering known,
Heart pounded against walls of chest giving more life.
The harmony of what bound events in time and space fell,
What once looked sparkling now at throat as a threat,
Oh’, I know not the ways to protect my love for I only know,
To protect the love of yours for me deep inside you hide.
What holds me and my time in this spot unmoving?
Oh’, deep in your heart what you felt is a spiritual reality,
For which you know not how to speak and act in material,
Love indeed is a double-edged sword that hurts and comforts.
Oh’, beyond the sweetness of smiles, fashions of the colors,
The passion of the words and the touch of our dreams,
We exist as people who cannot exist without each other,
Love indeed is a healer as time fashions itself in our love.
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