I will spend my lifetime loving you, ah’ a wonderful promise,
I will give the peace and pleasantness mankind never felt,
I will bring to you fulfillment of dreams you are yet to see,
Oh’, wonderful they all sound but they are promises I can’t keep.
Through many streets I walked, at many crosswalks, I stood,
Left many dreams where they belong, many I revisited,
Told many stories from simple events of life unfolded,
Brewed the sweetness of life deep in my heart for you.
Many lines like every poet before me wrote I wrote,
Praised love I felt for you and love inside of you well hidden,
Weaved many dreams about us hand-in-hand in love,
And both our heart beating for each other’s happiness.
Life failed us, love eluded us, future never faded in,
Oh’, somewhere in the past, time and space got stuck,
Thousands of lies, millions of fake promises at heart knocked,
And I faded into dark from you without promises I can’t keep.
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