The rays of light, Oh’, they came in silence,
Showing us the love of each other in real,
The love we weaved in each other’s soul,
Oh’, the light gave a touch of unknown reality.
The reality of tattered life that rays shown,
The love letters I wrote torn and blown into air,
The street musicians, ah’, they played the pathos,
In the rhythms of my heart, as love bloodless breathed.
The fallen heroes in the middle of streets day and night stood,
Oh’, in life they carried life and as statues, they inspired life,
Now they too stand still seeing the failed love of mine,
Ah’, the drooling rain gives them a weeping impression.
The rays through the time of the day took their flight,
Time and space continued their polka through humanity,
Sadness found nothing to cling on to in silence,
Ah’, all that told me she is thinking in love about me.
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