Broken Sadness.

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Sunshine upon the bay fallen,
Showing the shore in light warmth of fall,
Like a billion stars little pebbles shined,
But outshined them all your love-filled smiles.

Conscience asked, “How can you touch her?”,
With a smile on the corner of my lips, I said,
“I can but hands need to stretch beyond dimension,
And further than imaginations, into a beautiful soul.”.

In the look of a child gladness shy-filled stood,
And to him with a caring smile, I said,
“When to her I convey my love you will see,
Your reflection on her face in my eyes.”.

Away from sight, somewhere in dark, I heard,
The sobbing of all sadness in my heart I felt,
When alone I wandered without feeling her presence,
That sadness now broken and weeping in prayers for our love.

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Photo by Ali Pazani on Unsplash

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