The Outsider.

Blog Post About This Poem.

Into the school, a mother took a little boy to start,
His school life and he in awe screamed out loud,
Everyone watched and at everyone he lashed,
He watched, learned not as one of them but an outsider.

Through the years he passed and grew up in the world,
Triumph came and put him on top and alone he stood,
Failures hit him hard and face-down he fell, discarded by all,
Nothing took him in as who is, and to all, he was the outsider.

From workplace to friends circles to relatives none he trusted,
And nothing trusted him back as from outside the onlooker looked,
Life moved on, time moved on, his little space he held hard,
As through his experience, he learned to be better as an outsider.

Romances felt and romances faded as to all an outsider he was,
The deeper into life, time and space moved, ah’, isolated he became,
Then to her every bit of his life to open he tried but failed once again,
As all, he was to her. an old man, an outsider who failed to earn her love.

© RIAZAHAMMED.COM – All Rights Reserved – 2019.

Photo by Timothy Barlin on Unsplash

Those Unwritten Meanings.

Blog Post About This Poem.

When walked out into the unending streets,
Thinking about one face, one figure, one soul,
A dead leaf upon head fell and through face scrolled,
“What unforgiven sin remains?” I raised my head and hands.

From the depth of mind, the suppressed conscience woke,
And through verses of riddles and babbles he spoke,
Oh’, the focus now hijacked by unknown future times,
To find meanings for ups and downs of present times.

The smiling faces of the mid-west crowd welcomed,
With blank minds and no malicious intentions,
Oh’, they all want to find an extension of thoughts,
Happily, to forget times of hardships and tears.

Mind left all that and went back to plowing,
Through times of past when a poet wrote,
Verses that lost their meanings as realities changed,
And through them came times of unknown meanings.

Those moments of unknown meanings that split,
Time and space when even Angels and Jinns stood stunned,
When love felt suppressed to serve malicious material life,
Those loved drowned moments takes meanings unknown.

Oh’, future times never at these times look,
When verses that left the mind of poets lost,
Meanings and then those times took meanings
For which no poets can find meanings to write.

© RIAZAHAMMED.COM – All Rights Reserved – 2019.

Photo by Jason Garcia on Unsplash

Glory Of Truth.

Blog Post About This Poem.

Oh’, dear, how did I become so unrecognizable in love?
Should I have lied to you that all I felt were unreal?
Or just deceived you with lies and fake things?
Or should I have denied to my conscience that I am in love?

Sunrise, early morning, noon, afternoon sunset and night,
Oh’, every moment of the day in one way or other you found,
To reach and learn the pulse of my heart, the song of my soul,
And the glory of the truth, my love for you, and your love for me.

The material world walked, talked, worked, ate and slept,
Oh’, time and space stood by astonished by your passion,
But why not recognize my face upon the love you felt,
Than walk away to return next day for another feel of love?

That world may say “Love is a prison binding you to unreal”.
Oh’, can you say the same when in every action and event you feel?
Me being part, though far away I am unconnected to that reality,
Your mind even in sleep feels the presence of mine, my love.

Oh’, dear, my dearest, love is not the prison nor the quicksand,
But the more you deny love, the deeper into your love you bury,
And drown into pain no medicine or science can heal,
Leave the denial, Oh’, acknowledge the truth in glory of love.

Love is the path, love is the destination, love hold answers,
You and I seek and in love we will find the glory of truth,
No need for us to find love as deep inside our soul filled,
Is the love for each other fate wrote in the glory of truth.

© RIAZAHAMMED.COM – All Rights Reserved – 2019.

Photo by Dana Banana on Unsplash

The Unopened Door.

Blog Post About This Poem.

Life, Oh’, Life, a magnificent ocean we cross,
Truth, false, ah’, balance the critical matter,
Yet, Oh’, failed I to balance my sailing in winds,
But by prayers of peers or good thoughts, stayed afloat.

Reality, Oh’, what a fantastic set of events,
I floated through the wild waters to reach reality,
Oh’, only to know I failed to reach the reality I sought,
Late I reached and no doors to love I found.

Fantasy, Ah’, what an awesome alternative,
Where I chose the places, people, and made rules,
Oh’, I sailed across calm seas and low tides to reach,
Rocky walls and barren islands were no doors to love I found.

Not to sail anymore I decided but to float around,
Storms brewed not far away that can drown me,
I smiled and then laughed and then I screamed,
Screams roaring waves and winds cannot drown.

“In life the ocean for me and mankind of this time well laid,
Drown I may without being loved by the love all my time I sought,
But live I will with the love I loved that failed to open the same door,
The unopened door in many ways I knocked but failed to open in time”.

© RIAZAHAMMED.COM – All Rights Reserved – 2019.

Photo by Liubov Ilchuk on Unsplash

The Bad Patient.

Blog Post About This Poem.

Night-time squeezed the skin tight and shrunk the flesh,
The cold made me wrap myself into the warmth of comfort,
As from deep inside the nostrils drooled fluids on to throat,
Irritated throat made me cough that even scared neighbor’s dogs.

Medicines yearned to be consumed but another layer of dust fell,
Upon them I avoided, ah’, science and I have a love-hate relationship.
Oh’, green tea and honey gave me comfort like the wrap gave comfort,
Pain all over and fever made me drown and round like a cat I slept.

Thoughts about the end of life and life after haunted me,
The usual that to me comes when sickness grabs me by the throat,
None wants to be sick and when sick all cravings come,
Food, walks, workouts, and above all those fantastic showers.

The drowsy meds so untimely taken brought more sleep,
And when waking up sweating a half-real dream I saw,
Where my face held by the Sweetest Darling my life yearns,
Her touch, with smiles engraved, ah’, the greatest healing.

Waking up I turned on the fan and from brows wiped,
Sweat that told me, the sick days are behind me and her,
And the days to come will find ways in every corner of life,
Healing on this bad patient and the love of his life.

© RIAZAHAMMED.COM – All Rights Reserved – 2019.

Photo by Alexandra Gorn on Unsplash
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