The new birthed boy all-around at everyone looked,
All wondered for many minutes, then all night he screamed,
Then the light of the world he saw, from darkness day birthed,
Baby steps he took, learning from all, about the world.
Even from childhood days, the elusive little boy searched,
For the balance of good and bad but the world misunderstood,
The cunning world only the wide open-mouthed boy saw,
Through them the odorous machinations of the world he learned.
Empires through malicious brutality established hailed,
Crimes in every eye shut by the mockery of the few,
Lies again and again spoken to give a feeling of truth,
Truth mostly never birthed even when birthed, drowned.
Evil upon everything touched, conquered and danced,
Science used to manipulate masses into ungodly mongrels,
That which meant to protect and prosper humanity used,
To organize, oppress, obliterate masses unquestionably.
He learned all those rules and to break each of them he learned,
Still, life boiled and gave and essence in a magnificent choice,
Prosper in the wild, wickedness of the evil world,
Or be a pauper who hails the good in the love of a wonderful girl.
Wrote about his love for “Little Boss” and remain the LonelyPoet.
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