Stronger and stronger passions in me grew,
As time counted age and age discarded time,
From life that fell like the falling leaves of fall,
The man outgrown strength of passions pursued.
The battle for love Oh’, light from soul eroded,
But in every new day from darkness, I woke,
To fabricate into my soul a ray of hope,
Ah’, seasons stitched years into a fabric of love.
Though years passed since her birth my time too passed,
When into her eyes I looked that, Oh’, rays of hope raised,
Stars of love in the depth of soul and hopes danced,
In the folds of my heart to the music in her heartbeats written.
Past is past that joined the hands of history,
Love left my soul and told her truth-filled stories of my life,
Oh’, the young heart of her may not understand the reality,
That every beat of her heart from her birth fueled me to be me.
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