Flames upon the hills grew large right before Sun rose,
Ah’, morning twilight set every dying leaf on fire one last time,
And light crept in, melting frost, Oh’, peace in mind wrote a dream,
Where colors of fall like ballerinas danced, praising your love for me.
Trees stood still waiting for winds to make them dance and chant,
Nightly insects rested for a day-long sleep away from light,
Man-made roads, Oh’, paths of dark, that led to man-made realms,
Light sparkled dust on road that glittered in praise of your love for me.
Drying leaves held melting dew and let it fall like a ritualistic offering,
Cold through the air filled, Sun his attention to southern lands focused, Up north gearing up with storms and freeze is a wrath-filled winter,
And the fallen dew prayed for your love for me lasting to eternity.
The living and unliving united in their praises and prayers,
Love inside of us bloomed like the springs of a millennium,
Drowned is the pain, the sorrow-filled nights, melting days,
Softness stormed my soul in love for you that made me a strong man.
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