Like a shy young girl slanting stood the bright-lit Sun,
Wind found warmth from up above but still juggled cold,
The fattening winter laughed even from beneath the ground,
Oh’, heart of an unloved victim pounded louder than summer thunders.
What gratitude he should give the world O’, tell time?
Where were all the elements of life when in honesty I sought,
Love from a soul and soulless I felt when like a cursed criminal,
Why all the kindness fell like dust that made her say “No”?
Still, in hatred, I didn’t think about the world or her,
In every fall I found reasons to her and through her love,
The world in this time and in the times to come but tell,
What crime of who made me a victim screaming for care?
Round of applause to the winners of lies and machinations,
Didn’t evil spread the dragnet through their howls against love?
Love of a lady filled in purity of faith and trust in a world of chaos,
Oh’, fail I will not, to find peace and love even when soul screams.
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