Follow me not through the wild paths even in thoughts,
To Forget me you will try when happiness in your heart fills,
The drowned dreams through life’s events have spoken,
The language in childhood you learned but have forgotten.
I dreamed not about the ill of you nor what you love,
I dreamed in the right of you that made me feel loved,
Deeper and deeper into soul I searched and I learned,
All sadness lost meanings when about loving you I thought
Show me not another dream that in sadness may,
Follow fabricated fascinations to make a man glad,
Shower upon me not, any gladness O’, universe,
Without her sharing my heart in love with my love.
Watch will I the falling flurries burying the leave of fall,
They all will rot away but the dreams they all with me saw,
Oh’, nothing can bury or drown them into nature’s wilderness,
For in them lives the love of yours, love you and I cannot deny.
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