Blog Post About This Poem – Please Read This Post Before Reading This Poem.
Heavens fired up and brewed a new set of fateful times,
Ah’, in through those times came elements that forged,
Dreams you and I hand in hand with a shy smile can weave,
Paths are paved, times for us given, walking mind smiling.
Seasons come and seasons go, sprouted love far and wide, spread,
Every element to each season unique captured imagery,
Of our love so uniquely brewed and so wonderfully crafted,
But the written fate gave time meant for us a little pause.
Life for each other defined, through each other’s soul,
The entangled web well weaved, ah’, no ways out but knit,
The blanket that comforts you and me with each other’s love.
Upon that blanket drawn the images of our happy days.
The newness of the winter freeze through us spread,
We left the warmth of our invisible romance to seasons past,
But your beauty in my heart in perfection froze,
Thoughts about the comfort of that blanket, melted heart.
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