The Unknown Language Of Your Heart.

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My eyes are burning as sleepless I walked,
Through the cold that became my only companion,
I listened to the howling winds and cooing owls,
I felt the fight between silence and screams and I am lost.

Lost in the clouds gathered far and high but slowly fell,
Long before gravity brought those drops to mother,
Ah’ frozen they became with memories of the flight,
In every one of them, I looked for an image of your face.

As the value of love in the age of heart measured,
Oh’, did you ever thought my heart in independence wrote,
The language of my love only your heart can understand?
Why would you fall for traps of devil in worldly pleasures seen?

The storms have passed, the world about us unaware,
The broken links between us ah’, our hearts want to connect,
Fulfill your dream through me, Oh’, be the fulfillment of my dream,
For, I love you more than anyone ever loved feeling from soul to heart,

The language of your heart unknowingly from your soul to heart wrote.

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Photo by Quino Al on Unsplash

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