Nature commanded “The flowers must bloom”,
And she commanded the wind to warm,
Sun took a flight up north shattering dark clouds,
Ah’, they fell thundering down as life woke.
The forgetful chipmunks dug all over to find a nut,
The returned migrant gathered dried leaves and sticks,
Her mate flew all around to woo her to love,
Songs filled the air everyone heard clear and loud.
Sprouts came out, air warmed, birds danced and sang,
Ah’, everyone heard, everyone saw, through their windows,
Virus-scare kept the world inside and the season wondered,
Where did all the people go? Where are those naughty hands?
Nature stood stunned as the poetry she tried to recite,
Unheard and unfelt by the audience she expected, showed not,
The poet through the window with an eye filled watched,
As nature’s attempt to bring another poem went in vain.
Oh,’ the poem in his mind filled bound her soul,
Between the lines of the poem, nature failed to write.
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