Blog Post About This Poem – Read This If You Want To Know How This Poem Was Written.
What wonderful childhood days she lived,
Looking through every detail of every event,
One upon the other hopes and dreams she laid,
The first piece of the puzzle none can solve she made.
Questioned every motive of everyone around her,
The wild world, the wonder-filled world, ah’, taught,
Brutality of realities where she felt like playing ball,
Ah’, another set of puzzle pieces she made.
Every bit of energy she sprouted, Oh’, wondered minds,
Self-imposed her heart into a prison of chaos and confusion,
Then she let others use her brain, lies, and gossips grew,
Oh’, they gave her another set of pieces of her puzzle.
When mind became the prison of her love, ah’, she stunned,
Hopes and dreams she searched clouded by the energy blocked,
Her pleasantness to newness but all ended in nothingness,
They weaved a web for her to connect her puzzle pieces.
Happiness she sought made her run between horizons,
Those puzzled energies ah’, the ones she blocked,
Led her to a tunnel where no light she can find,
Then the puzzle she finished that shown her my face.
The only light she can find came through my smile.
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