Silent became the screams as voices from around spoke,
The blatant lies by a world so fashionably told,
The listeners so passionately follow as a fashion,
Ah’, every lie they believed shrunk their souls.
Didn’t I give you a chance to connect and speak?
Didn’t I give you love, from far and up close you felt?
Haven’t you felt the love of the world through me?
Haven’t you, again and again, to disconnect from me failed?
When our love story by the world spoken and heard.
Ah’, laugh they will not be joining you hand in hand,
When love denied and in front of God you kneel,
What kindness can you present to gain salvation?
So abandon not the dream you and I so unknowingly weaved,
For the world is just a road and our bodies a fashionable costume,
Time and space for us, Ah’, an unreasonable monster,
Even shunning them we know our dreams don’t expire.
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