She wandered through the wilderness unknown,
Concrete canyons and crowds so unpleasant,
Alone in the middle of the crowd and a mind whispering,
Verses of a man who finished his learning by loving her.
The long pleasant fields of corn and wheat left behind,
Learning about the most wonderful paradise on earth,
Ah’, no material touched that paradise that left unknown,
Except for the man who whispered her name in every breath.
Through every corner of life, he longed to pass,
In every bit of life lived deep inside he wished,
And from those lived and wished life he weaved,
Stories and poems echoed through her heart.
And her heart, the purest heart he has known,
Oh’, every beat of her heart a prayer,
And through those prayers she became,
The Bridge of light through which life in full, fulfilled,
The Bridge through which he can pass to paradise.
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