Blog Post About This Poem. Please Read This To Know About What Triggered This Poem.
Strange dreams found the light at the end of the tunnel,
Through my heart when about future days I thought,
Ah’, ten thousand thunders shattered at my feet and drowned,
As those dreams with scents of gunpowder around me flew.
Sweetness of sounds came from a bird to migrate forgot,
Maybe his attempt to find a melancholic tone failed,
In his never-ending waiting to find the heart for his love,
Or he is just a bird who ended in the wrong place and time.
Cold waves from the lake between toes danced,
Then where she sat I sat and smiled as winds from west blew,
Oh’, to gather a scent my freezing nostrils tried,
A feeling of gladness wind did bring and away I walked.
Somewhere through these paths she once or many times walked,
Weaving thoughts and breathing fresh air from lakeside,
Winter winds weaved a lullaby and to my soul sang,
Wordless, yet, I learned she loved me when she walked here last.
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