The Path To Darkness.

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Senses, Ah’, abilities lost, froze,
Never even a thought about her spoke,
How will it feel when mind in forceful acceptance,
Of the frozen senses and colorless dreams of lost love.

Sadness, Oh’, you know nothing about the value of tears,
I shed none, for you are a mockery of my love-filled life,
And shed I will no drops, for, in every essence of mine is love,
Only meant for her, who threw a veil of darkness into my dream.

No belief I ever learned about reincarnation but I learned,
Love must reincarnate in her for me, next time in better ways,
For, every action of her spoke about a beautiful love suppressed,
As she holds the lights to paths of future for both our loving days.

Gallop to me gladness and break the veil of darkness,
From upon my dreams and lead them all into fulfillment,
Gladness that sprout out from a path that went to darkness,
Lighted by the lights sprouting from the beats of her heart,

Heartbeats that draws the images of my love for her.

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Photo by Dimitry Zub on Unsplash

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