The Unleased Storm.

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Little by little leafless trees moved, ah’, what deception,
As the howling wind, all his might slowly gathered,
Pinewood cracked and fell, and Oaks shed their barks,
The army of the storm to attack at will unleashed.

Such are the images that envelop every eye,
When about a storm a poet from his heart speak,
The storm in my mind, Oh’, a different kind,
When unleased to give all who reads a painful adventure.

There once lived a man who lit a little lamp,
Fueled by his heartbeat and heat from his soul,
That little flame carried the symbol of his life and love,
Brightened when he met a girl his soul wished and felt,

As the twin flame who he searched all through his life,
She thought about him for many months and seasons,
And found no way in this wild and wicked world to love,
That man, his ways and failed in love to understand.

Every moment about him she thought and every thought became,
A little movement of a leafless tree or a broken branch,
As years passed those little ripples in air became a storm unleashed,
Chasing that little flame in the little lamp fueled by his loving soul.

Dragged through the spring rain, summer heat, and fallen leaves,
The frozen grounds where old man winter danced in ecstasy,
He moved and moved and moved to keep the flame alight,
Life left on one side wept and dragged along all torn.

All through the chase to erase the kindled lamp,
All through time and space and all efforts failed,
When fallen down tired to see a change in her face,
She took the hand of another man and unleased,

The regrouped storm as if in a newfound vengeance,
Ah’, gathered he all his strength and stood upright,
With only prayers for her and his ultimate union,
The storm chased on and on in relentless pursuit and failed.

When such stories are told people in laughs walk away,
Reality, Oh’, at times becomes an ugly, nasty monster,
When he smiled the poet too smiled knowing well,
Love for her in him will never be lost in any storms unleashed.

© RIAZAHAMMED.COM – All Rights Reserved – 2021.

Photo by Tengyart on Unsplash

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