Dragons with bright-lit red eyes from far above looked,
As they fluttered their wings over the lands and lakes,
Oh’, the fire the spit blazed the earth down below,
Ah’, myths they are, a wonderful relief for sin-filled mankind.
God walking around in countenance of men and women,
Creatures talking and acting like humans some better,
What wonderful imaginations from which these myths birthed,
Ah’, another sigh of relief when through darkness I passed.
Medusas among us lived many times and fossilized many loving hearts,
Oedipus showed among us as the face of evil many, many times,
Myths of East and West, Ah’, at times collided and many times colluded,
Hearts filled with love, Oh’, these days a mysterious myth.
True life has evolved without truth through time and space,
Loveless they make children and loveless as a curse they live.
I sat beside the frigid water still from beside the freezing river,
A love-filled face I saw, in dedication and determination loving Little Boss.
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