An Unfortunate Dream.

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The narrow lanes and small houses painted a picture,
None can forget as even in mid-winter children played,
Out in yards, uncaring about the swirling winds,
Ah’, how wonderful life is for these innocense days.

I dragged my soul away from that sight of salvation,
As the greatest lie to every conscience told was about a place,
Where life becomes perfect through good on good and no bad,
Ah’, the good I know disappeared in a mirage with mocking laughs.

Daylight became a riff for a hard-rock song that played,
In the back of mind as life screamed in hypothetical agony,
Ah’, a seeker of peace of mind my dreams evolved to,
In it saved are shattered pieces of good and bad of my romance.

When sleep slowly gnaws through my conscious mind,
There is a dream out there, orphaned and abandoned in cold,
Bare naked as a vagabond passed from mind to mind,
All looked up and down, knowing well, what meanings of him unfold.

Day’s music stopped and night played a starry dance,
The vagabond became a resident of Lilliput,
As every mind knowingly shrunk him as a romantic song he sang,
Oh’, I wished my sleep were darkness filled but lucky I am not.

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Photo by Andriyko Podilnyk on Unsplash

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