Wrote and wrote what felt like mindless thoughts,
Into verse and mind became clear and loud,
As all that I felt were romantically understood,
By a lady of class and culture who felt her soul.
And through my mind to her in energies, I spoke,
“Life ahead is an ocean of light so bright and clear,
Never at it directly look in search for meanings unclear,
For, you may become blind about all that is to come.”.
“Soul of ours once born as one and spent apart growing,
Ah’, now united as one bound by the golden charms of love,
The soul doesn’t die and love-felt-soul will keep feeling,
Love of yours even beyond end of times, Little Boss.”.
In someone else’s winter, my flow of life froze,
For someone else’s happiness, I shed my last smile,
The inspiring speeches to my own heart I never spoke,
The dream about to birth new, in brutality, aborted.
Still a lot of love unconditionally decorated my soul,
Love is like Sunrise and Sunset they all look the same,
Every day, but they all differ in many ways one easily notice,
And about a dawn sometimes I think with Little Boss beside.
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