The Fallen Romantics

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The fallen romantics Oh they are not silent anymore
Can’t you hear the bleeding skies screaming,
And the flashing clouds brutally at each other crashing,
In between the chaos, every conscience hear the weeping,
Of a man bend with lifeless love and pathetic choices of you.

The last phase of the night left me astray,
Oh’, the dark clouds hid our paths for so long,
Blinding even the depths of our inner eyes,
Throwing us astray from paths of each other,
Drowning our dreams in the abyss of this unreal world.

As the lover in me drowned in an old dream I saw,
Serpents of unknown magic from all sides attacked,
The dream took me to depths of abyss of a soul, drowning,
And to that soul, again and again, I asked questions I asked,
For all my life I have seen that dream… “where is your face?”

This time I found a light, that took me from drowning,
Into the world of the known and unknown, ah’, all mixed,
Where all creatures worn masks and in howling celebrated,
Oh’, then I saw the source of light, the light that fueled all,
Above all, the love I felt in my soul, the face of yours…

Let us not join our hands to fall into darker dreams,
Nor cross paths to let our shadows fight for us to bleed,
Let us silence the thoughts that speak the ill of each other,
May the arrows of hatred, the world unto us fires,
Become the pure garlands of our romantic unity.

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Photo by shahin khalaji on Unsplash

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