Inner Eyes Blind

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Two eyes at the wonders of the world looked,
Colors and colorless all around brightened,
Seeing the known, unknown and unseen,
Filling mind imaginations what two eyes can’t see.

The ears heard the sounds of nature clear,
The brutality of mankind screamed aloud,
Noises mother nature never imagined we made,
Ah’, all of them left images in mind to see.

Sweetness of fruits and nuts tongue loved,
Many tastes body never felt through veins spread,
What wonderful textures of thoughts in mind weaved,
As the woven scarves touched heart to open wide.

Held the roses in hand and touched the clouds above,
The air breathed yearned to give life more colors and sounds,
As touch and smell united in mind to open new eyes in mind,
Through which images unseen by any by mind painted.

All senses united as if in meditation and unblinking stayed,
As all images united and painted a collage of your face,
Oh’, light soul gave lost and together all of them went blind,
When you said another name instead of mine.

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Photo by Mariah Krafft on Unsplash

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