Stubborn and lazy winter stood his ground,
As chirping birds in lingering winter shivered,
Chipmons shook away fallen snow and dug,
Everywhere to find a nut or seed in hunger.
Happiness still in the cold breeze I felt,
The silent poet who for sad truth searched,
And found in the cold, the wandering delight,
Who found gladness in everything through senses felt.
I saw her braids of gold, her hair cascades,
And turned with a smile so bright, her face pervades,
Her thick turquoise jacket, a warm vibrant hue,
A white scarf around her neck wrapped, too.
Her eyes of blue, or sky touched crystal light?
She can enchant even heartless rocks in pure delight,
Drawing souls into her soul with just one glance,
Into a world of love-filled smiles and a blissful trance.
A girl so fair, a vision from beyond imagination, to behold,
A heart felt so pure, a poem on its own written in gold,
When she turned towards me, Ah’, what a joyous sight,
Her smile filled the air as a beacon of pure light.
With braids of glittering gold and eyes of ocean blue,
She captures hearts into captivity, both old and new,
A girl so rare among wild humanity, a rare gift to see,
A radiant beauty outside who spreads charm, forever free.
The air thinned, from her smile or the just freed sun?
Warmth replaced bitterness from faces stunned,
Truth enveloped hearts about the beauty that changed,
Seasons with her charm and gladness filled heart, unashamed.
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