In the search for attention, we lose ourselves,
Desperate for validation, the constant craving,
Seeking a spot we lose our truth and evolve,
Into someone else, we ourselves eventually forget.
But the simple life, unbothered and free,
Living a world with souls thinking alike,
Happiness is in the peace of life one can muster,
In dreams shared, actions cared and tears wiped.
Bad choices we may make, may blame others too,
Depression, addiction, and insecurity ensue,
A positive side there is, we often miss,
It’s up to us to choose and find inner bliss.
Many mistakes I made, in those times, felt so low,
Wrote my mind, shared my thoughts, all helped me grow,
Strange one may think, but it’s my saving grace,
A place to escape, and find my own pace,
Forgiveness I sought and empty-handed I sat,
Life I felt slipping into a dimension I know not,
A realization in the depth of my soul I felt,
Forgiving myself and all I blame is the first step,
To be forgiven in this world and hereafter,
And meaningful became every thought,
Every thought gave a new reason to breathe,
The world looked at my empty hands and laughed.
Oh’, they know not that nothing are the five senses,
We possess as they are with nastiness filled,
When cleansed all I found were the purity,
No mocking will ever find and peace filled my innocence.
So forgive yourself, and find your own way
Positives is in forgiveness sought, will help you stay
And though we may stumble, we must always find
A path to peace, and regain a calm state of mind.
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Photo by Amy Treasure on Unsplash